

Go to the documentation of this file.
00007 /***************************************************************************
00008  *                                                                         *
00009  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00010  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00011  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00012  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00013  *                                                                         *
00014  ***************************************************************************/
00016 #include <QtCore>
00017 #include "soundmanagerutil.h"
00024 ChannelGroup::ChannelGroup(unsigned char channelBase, unsigned char channels)
00025   : m_channelBase(channelBase)
00026   , m_channels(channels) {
00027 }
00032 unsigned char ChannelGroup::getChannelBase() const {
00033     return m_channelBase;
00034 }
00039 unsigned char ChannelGroup::getChannelCount() const {
00040     return m_channels;
00041 }
00048 bool ChannelGroup::operator==(const ChannelGroup &other) const {
00049     return m_channelBase == other.m_channelBase
00050         && m_channels == other.m_channels;
00051 }
00059 bool ChannelGroup::clashesWith(const ChannelGroup &other) const {
00060     if (m_channels == 0 || other.m_channels == 0) {
00061         return false; // can't clash if there are no channels in use
00062     }
00063     return (m_channelBase > other.m_channelBase
00064         && m_channelBase < other.m_channelBase + other.m_channels)
00065         ||
00066         (other.m_channelBase > m_channelBase
00067         && other.m_channelBase < m_channelBase + m_channels)
00068         || m_channelBase == other.m_channelBase;
00069 }
00075 unsigned int ChannelGroup::getHash() const {
00076     return 0 | (m_channels << 8) | m_channelBase;
00077 }
00085 AudioPath::AudioPath(unsigned char channelBase, unsigned char channels)
00086     : m_channelGroup(channelBase, channels) {
00087 }
00092 AudioPathType AudioPath::getType() const {
00093     return m_type;
00094 }
00099 ChannelGroup AudioPath::getChannelGroup() const {
00100     return m_channelGroup;
00101 }
00106 unsigned char AudioPath::getIndex() const {
00107     return m_index;
00108 }
00114 bool AudioPath::operator==(const AudioPath &other) const {
00115     return m_type == other.m_type
00116         && m_index == other.m_index;
00117 }
00123 unsigned int AudioPath::getHash() const {
00124     return 0 | (m_type << 8) | m_index;
00125 }
00131 bool AudioPath::channelsClash(const AudioPath &other) const {
00132     return m_channelGroup.clashesWith(other.m_channelGroup);
00133 }
00138 QString AudioPath::getString() const {
00139     if (isIndexed(getType())) {
00140         return QString("%1 %2")
00141             .arg(getTrStringFromType(getType())).arg(m_index + 1);
00142     }
00143     return getTrStringFromType(getType());
00144 }
00151 QString AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPathType type) {
00152     switch (type) {
00153     case INVALID:
00154         // this shouldn't happen but g++ complains if I don't
00155         // handle this -- bkgood
00156         return QString::fromAscii("Invalid");
00157     case MASTER:
00158         return QString::fromAscii("Master");
00159     case HEADPHONES:
00160         return QString::fromAscii("Headphones");
00161     case DECK:
00162         return QString::fromAscii("Deck");
00163     case VINYLCONTROL:
00164         return QString::fromAscii("Vinyl Control");
00165     case MICROPHONE:
00166         return QString::fromAscii("Microphone");
00167     case EXTPASSTHROUGH:
00168         return QString::fromAscii("Passthrough");
00169     }
00170     return QString::fromAscii("Unknown path type %1").arg(type);
00171 }
00177 QString AudioPath::getTrStringFromType(AudioPathType type) {
00178     switch (type) {
00179     case INVALID:
00180         // this shouldn't happen but g++ complains if I don't
00181         // handle this -- bkgood
00182         return QString(QObject::tr("Invalid"));
00183     case MASTER:
00184         return QString(QObject::tr("Master"));
00185     case HEADPHONES:
00186         return QString(QObject::tr("Headphones"));
00187     case DECK:
00188         return QString(QObject::tr("Deck"));
00189     case VINYLCONTROL:
00190         return QString(QObject::tr("Vinyl Control"));
00191     case MICROPHONE:
00192         return QString(QObject::tr("Microphone"));
00193     case EXTPASSTHROUGH:
00194         return QString(QObject::tr("Passthrough"));
00195     }
00196     return QString(QObject::tr("Unknown path type %1")).arg(type);
00197 }
00203 AudioPathType AudioPath::getTypeFromString(QString string) {
00204     string = string.toLower();
00205     if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::MASTER).toLower()) {
00206         return AudioPath::MASTER;
00207     } else if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::HEADPHONES).toLower()) {
00208         return AudioPath::HEADPHONES;
00209     } else if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::DECK).toLower()) {
00210         return AudioPath::DECK;
00211     } else if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::VINYLCONTROL).toLower()) {
00212         return AudioPath::VINYLCONTROL;
00213     } else if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::MICROPHONE).toLower()) {
00214         return AudioPath::MICROPHONE;
00215     } else if (string == AudioPath::getStringFromType(AudioPath::EXTPASSTHROUGH).toLower()) {
00216         return AudioPath::EXTPASSTHROUGH;
00217     } else {
00218         return AudioPath::INVALID;
00219     }
00220 }
00226 bool AudioPath::isIndexed(AudioPathType type) {
00227     switch (type) {
00228     case DECK:
00229     case VINYLCONTROL:
00230     case EXTPASSTHROUGH:
00231         return true;
00232     case MICROPHONE:
00233     default:
00234         break;
00235     }
00236     return false;
00237 }
00243 AudioPathType AudioPath::getTypeFromInt(int typeInt) {
00244     if (typeInt < 0 || typeInt >= AudioPath::INVALID) {
00245         return AudioPath::INVALID;
00246     }
00247     return static_cast<AudioPathType>(typeInt);
00248 }
00255 unsigned char AudioPath::channelsNeededForType(AudioPathType type) {
00256     switch (type) {
00257     case AudioPath::MICROPHONE:
00258         return 1;
00259     default:
00260         return 2;
00261     }
00262 }
00267 AudioOutput::AudioOutput(AudioPathType type /* = INVALID */,
00268         unsigned char channelBase /* = 0 */,
00269         unsigned char index /* = 0 */)
00270     : AudioPath(channelBase, AudioPath::channelsNeededForType(type)) {
00271     setType(type);
00272     if (isIndexed(type)) {
00273         m_index = index;
00274     } else {
00275         m_index = 0;
00276     }
00277 }
00283 QDomElement AudioOutput::toXML(QDomElement *element) const {
00284     element->setTagName("output");
00285     element->setAttribute("type", AudioPath::getStringFromType(m_type));
00286     element->setAttribute("index", m_index);
00287     element->setAttribute("channel", m_channelGroup.getChannelBase());
00288     return *element;
00289 }
00295 AudioOutput AudioOutput::fromXML(const QDomElement &xml) {
00296     AudioPathType type(AudioPath::getTypeFromString(xml.attribute("type")));
00297     unsigned int index(xml.attribute("index", "0").toUInt());
00298     unsigned int channel(xml.attribute("channel", "0").toUInt());
00299     return AudioOutput(type, channel, index);
00300 }
00302 //static
00307 QList<AudioPathType> AudioOutput::getSupportedTypes() {
00308     QList<AudioPathType> types;
00309     types.append(MASTER);
00310     types.append(HEADPHONES);
00311     types.append(DECK);
00312     return types;
00313 }
00319 void AudioOutput::setType(AudioPathType type) {
00320     if (AudioOutput::getSupportedTypes().contains(type)) {
00321         m_type = type;
00322     } else {
00323         m_type = AudioPath::INVALID;
00324     }
00325 }
00330 AudioInput::AudioInput(AudioPathType type /* = INVALID */,
00331         unsigned char channelBase /* = 0 */,
00332         unsigned char index /* = 0 */)
00333   : AudioPath(channelBase, AudioPath::channelsNeededForType(type)) {
00334     setType(type);
00335     if (isIndexed(type)) {
00336         m_index = index;
00337     } else {
00338         m_index = 0;
00339     }
00340 }
00346 QDomElement AudioInput::toXML(QDomElement *element) const {
00347     element->setTagName("input");
00348     element->setAttribute("type", AudioPath::getStringFromType(m_type));
00349     element->setAttribute("index", m_index);
00350     element->setAttribute("channel", m_channelGroup.getChannelBase());
00351     return *element;
00352 }
00358 AudioInput AudioInput::fromXML(const QDomElement &xml) {
00359     AudioPathType type(AudioPath::getTypeFromString(xml.attribute("type")));
00360     unsigned int index(xml.attribute("index", "0").toUInt());
00361     unsigned int channel(xml.attribute("channel", "0").toUInt());
00362     return AudioInput(type, channel, index);
00363 }
00369 QList<AudioPathType> AudioInput::getSupportedTypes() {
00370     QList<AudioPathType> types;
00371 #ifdef __VINYLCONTROL__
00372     // this disables vinyl control for all of the sound devices stuff
00373     // (prefs, etc), minimal ifdefs :) -- bkgood
00374     types.append(VINYLCONTROL);
00375 #endif
00376     types.append(MICROPHONE);
00377     return types;
00378 }
00384 void AudioInput::setType(AudioPathType type) {
00385     if (AudioInput::getSupportedTypes().contains(type)) {
00386         m_type = type;
00387     } else {
00388         m_type = AudioPath::INVALID;
00389     }
00390 }
00395 unsigned int qHash(const ChannelGroup &group) {
00396     return group.getHash();
00397 }
00402 unsigned int qHash(const AudioOutput &output) {
00403     return output.getHash();
00404 }
00409 unsigned int qHash(const AudioInput &input) {
00410     return input.getHash();
00411 }
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