

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // cuedao.cpp
00002 // Created 10/26/2009 by RJ Ryan (rryan@mit.edu)
00004 #include <QtDebug>
00005 #include <QtSql>
00006 #include <QVariant>
00008 #include "library/dao/cuedao.h"
00009 #include "library/dao/cue.h"
00010 #include "trackinfoobject.h"
00012 CueDAO::CueDAO(QSqlDatabase& database)
00013         : m_database(database) {
00014 }
00016 CueDAO::~CueDAO() {
00018 }
00020 void CueDAO::initialize() {
00021     qDebug() << "CueDAO::initialize" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00022 }
00024 int CueDAO::cueCount() {
00025     qDebug() << "CueDAO::cueCount" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00026     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00027     query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " CUE_TABLE);
00028     if (query.exec()) {
00029         if (query.next()) {
00030             return query.value(0).toInt();
00031         }
00032     } else {
00033         qDebug() << query.lastError();
00034     }
00035     //query.finish();
00036     return 0;
00037 }
00039 int CueDAO::numCuesForTrack(int trackId) {
00040     qDebug() << "CueDAO::numCuesForTrack" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00041     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00042     query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " CUE_TABLE " WHERE track_id = :id");
00043     query.bindValue(":id", trackId);
00044     if (query.exec()) {
00045         if (query.next()) {
00046             return query.value(0).toInt();
00047         }
00048     } else {
00049         qDebug() << query.lastError();
00050     }
00051     return 0;
00052 }
00054 Cue* CueDAO::cueFromRow(QSqlQuery& query) const {
00055     QSqlRecord record = query.record();
00056     int id = record.value(record.indexOf("id")).toInt();
00057     int trackId = record.value(record.indexOf("track_id")).toInt();
00058     int type = record.value(record.indexOf("type")).toInt();
00059     int position = record.value(record.indexOf("position")).toInt();
00060     int length = record.value(record.indexOf("length")).toInt();
00061     int hotcue = record.value(record.indexOf("hotcue")).toInt();
00062     QString label = record.value(record.indexOf("label")).toString();
00063     Cue* cue = new Cue(id, trackId, (Cue::CueType)type,
00064                        position, length, hotcue, label);
00065     m_cues[id] = cue;
00066     return cue;
00067 }
00069 Cue* CueDAO::getCue(int cueId) {
00070     qDebug() << "CueDAO::getCue" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00071     if (m_cues.contains(cueId)) {
00072         return m_cues[cueId];
00073     }
00075     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00076     query.prepare("SELECT * FROM " CUE_TABLE " WHERE id = :id");
00077     query.bindValue(":id", cueId);
00078     if (query.exec()) {
00079         if (query.next()) {
00080             return cueFromRow(query);
00081         }
00082     } else {
00083         qDebug() << query.lastError();
00084     }
00085     return NULL;
00086 }
00088 QList<Cue*> CueDAO::getCuesForTrack(int trackId) const {
00089     //qDebug() << "CueDAO::getCuesForTrack" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00090     QList<Cue*> cues;
00091     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00092     query.prepare("SELECT * FROM " CUE_TABLE " WHERE track_id = :id");
00093     query.bindValue(":id", trackId);
00094     if (query.exec()) {
00095         while (query.next()) {
00096             Cue* cue = NULL;
00097             int cueId = query.value(query.record().indexOf("id")).toInt();
00098             if (m_cues.contains(cueId)) {
00099                 cue = m_cues[cueId];
00100             }
00101             if (cue == NULL) {
00102                 cue = cueFromRow(query);
00103             }
00104             if (cue != NULL) {
00105                 cues.push_back(cue);
00106             }
00107         }
00108     } else {
00109         qDebug() << query.lastError();
00110     }
00111     return cues;
00112 }
00114 bool CueDAO::deleteCuesForTrack(int trackId) {
00115     qDebug() << "CueDAO::deleteCuesForTrack" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00116     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00117     query.prepare("DELETE FROM " CUE_TABLE " WHERE track_id = :track_id");
00118     query.bindValue(":track_id", trackId);
00119     if (query.exec()) {
00120         return true;
00121     } else {
00122         qDebug() << query.lastError();
00123     }
00124     return false;
00125 }
00127 bool CueDAO::saveCue(Cue* cue) {
00128     //qDebug() << "CueDAO::saveCue" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00129     Q_ASSERT(cue);
00130     if (cue->getId() == -1) {
00131         // New cue
00132         QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00133         query.prepare("INSERT INTO " CUE_TABLE " (track_id, type, position, length, hotcue, label) VALUES (:track_id, :type, :position, :length, :hotcue, :label)");
00134         query.bindValue(":track_id", cue->getTrackId());
00135         query.bindValue(":type", cue->getType());
00136         query.bindValue(":position", cue->getPosition());
00137         query.bindValue(":length", cue->getLength());
00138         query.bindValue(":hotcue", cue->getHotCue());
00139         query.bindValue(":label", cue->getLabel());
00141         if (query.exec()) {
00142             int id = query.lastInsertId().toInt();
00143             cue->setId(id);
00144             cue->setDirty(false);
00145             return true;
00146         }
00147         qDebug() << query.executedQuery() << query.lastError();
00148     } else {
00149         // Update cue
00150         QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00151         query.prepare("UPDATE " CUE_TABLE " SET "
00152                         "track_id = :track_id,"
00153                         "type = :type,"
00154                         "position = :position,"
00155                         "length = :length,"
00156                         "hotcue = :hotcue,"
00157                         "label = :label"
00158                         " WHERE id = :id");
00159         query.bindValue(":id", cue->getId());
00160         query.bindValue(":track_id", cue->getTrackId());
00161         query.bindValue(":type", cue->getType());
00162         query.bindValue(":position", cue->getPosition());
00163         query.bindValue(":length", cue->getLength());
00164         query.bindValue(":hotcue", cue->getHotCue());
00165         query.bindValue(":label", cue->getLabel());
00167         if (query.exec()) {
00168             cue->setDirty(false);
00169             return true;
00170         } else {
00171             qDebug() << query.executedQuery() << query.lastError();
00172         }
00173     }
00174     return false;
00175 }
00177 bool CueDAO::deleteCue(Cue* cue) {
00178     //qDebug() << "CueDAO::deleteCue" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00179     if (cue->getId() != -1) {
00180         QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00181         query.prepare("DELETE FROM " CUE_TABLE " WHERE id = :id");
00182         query.bindValue(":id", cue->getId());
00183         if (query.exec()) {
00184             return true;
00185         } else {
00186             qDebug() << query.lastError();
00187         }
00188     } else {
00189         return true;
00190     }
00191     return false;
00192 }
00194 void CueDAO::saveTrackCues(int trackId, TrackInfoObject* pTrack) {
00195     //qDebug() << "CueDAO::saveTrackCues" << QThread::currentThread() << m_database.connectionName();
00196     // TODO(XXX) transaction, but people who are already in a transaction call
00197     // this.
00198     QTime time;
00200     const QList<Cue*>& cueList = pTrack->getCuePoints();
00202     // qDebug() << "CueDAO::saveTrackCues old size:" << oldCueList.size()
00203     //          << "new size:" << cueList.size();
00205     QString list = "";
00207     time.start();
00208     // For each id still in the TIO, save or delete it.
00209     QListIterator<Cue*> cueIt(cueList);
00210     while (cueIt.hasNext()) {
00211         Cue* cue = cueIt.next();
00212         int cueId = cue->getId();
00213         bool newCue = cueId == -1;
00214         if (newCue) {
00215             // New cue
00216             cue->setTrackId(trackId);
00217         } else {
00218             //idList.append(QString("%1").arg(cueId));
00219             list.append(QString("%1,").arg(cueId));
00220         }
00221         // Update or save cue
00222         if (cue->isDirty()) {
00223             saveCue(cue);
00225             // Since this cue didn't have an id until now, add it to the list of
00226             // cues not to delete.
00227             if (newCue)
00228                 list.append(QString("%1,").arg(cue->getId()));
00229         }
00230     }
00231     //qDebug() << "Saving cues took " << time.elapsed() << "ms";
00232     time.start();
00234     // Strip the last ,
00235     if (list.count() > 0)
00236         list.truncate(list.count()-1);
00238     // Delete cues that are no longer on the track.
00239     QSqlQuery query(m_database);
00240     query.prepare(QString("DELETE FROM cues where track_id=:track_id and not id in (%1)").arg(list));
00241     query.bindValue(":track_id", trackId);
00243     if (!query.exec()) {
00244         qDebug() << "Delete cues failed:" << query.lastError();
00245         qDebug() << query.executedQuery();
00246     }
00247     //qDebug() << "Deleting cues took " << time.elapsed() << "ms";
00248 }
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